Decker “Woo” Westerfield Memorial Car/ATV/ Motorcycle Show

Decker "Woo" Westerfield Memorial Car/ATV/ Motorcycle Show


October 12, 2024    
10:00 am - 2:30 pm


Forkland Community Center
16479 Forkland Rd., Gravel Switch, KY/Boyle, 40328, Boyle County

Event Type

From the event page on Facebook at
Join us with any fixed up Car ATV or Motorcycle you would like to share. Parking will being at 10AM judging will be done at 1:30PM and announced at 2:00PM
Fan Favorite will be voted on by any on lookers who would like to vote. All votes will be a quarter .25 who ever has the most votes will be awarded fan favorite.


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